How to select the best MBA college?

An 8 step method to select the best B-School

One of the most common question that is asked to me is, which is the best college to do a MBA? I usually try to identify the background of the students and suggest a suitable college for them. Here are some of the points that will help you to select the best college.

1. Search on the Internet

If you google up for the best MBA B-School / College you will get a list of colleges. But remember there are many wolves in the sheep's clothing. A college may have a brilliantly designed website, but the real infrastructure of the college may be in shambles. It can also be true, that a college which has a badly designed website, may actually be good to you. Most of the MBA B-Schools have a good website. 
Note down the activities conducted in the campus and try to see if there are any activities that you like. For example sports, music, arts, public speaking, guest lectures, industry visits, seminars, interaction with the industry etc.

2. Check for the facts in social media

Don't go only by the virtual look of the college. Check in the social media, like facebook, blog, linked in etc. See what the alumni have to say. If you can get in touch with a few and chat with them, you would get a clear idea about the campus. Check with them about their job (as long as they are placed :P ) and what is the average salary that a fresh MBA could get in his company. This would give you a better picture as to how much fees can you pay. Simple maths do the ROI (Return on Investment).

3. Visit the campus

By now you would have shortlisted a few B-Schools. A must thing to do is to visit the campus. Even if it's in a far of place, just go there. It worth to go to the place and see because you are going to spend your precious two year there. Seeing is believing, and its is of utmost requirement that you visit the college. I have seen some college website show posh pictures of classrooms and facilities but the reality may be completely different. Ask the college to take you on a campus tour or allow you to roan in the campus. A college which would not have to hide anything would not stop you.

4. Meet the faculty

It is required that you meet the professors or any other faculty member to gauge the wave length of the B-School. Ask with them about the course, the duration, the specialisations available and the subject offered. See if your interesting subject is offered there. You can also check the number of publications of the faculty. A good B-School will have a blend of experience and fresh staff. There would be professors who are having industry experience or into research. Check the number of professors who have done their PhD in the college. If possible meet them and ask them about the MBA program.

5. Check the facility

A good B-School would have good facilities for sports and recreation. See if there sports are encouraged in the campus. If there are basketball, tennis, shuttle badminton, table tennis, gym and other facilities provided. 
See if the B-School has a good computer lab and a good speed internet connection.

6. Check the fees

Remember to check the fees of the whole course. If you have any doubts regarding the amount mentioned in the fees. Please ask the staff and clarify it.

7. Enquire about the joining procedure

Find out regarding the entrance test and if the B-School conducts group discussion and personal interview. If the application fees is not to high please go and register, it is better to have your options open then to regret later.

8. Check the rating and affiliation

Check out the ranking of the B-School from an independent source. Don't by the claims of the college or any agent that this is the best MBA college in India or This college is ranked in this position and so on.

Remember to check if the college has been affiliated to a University recognised by the UGC (University Grants Commision), if in India. The course should also be recognised by the AICTE ( All India Council for Technical Education). 

Please write in your comment, if you feel that I have left out any point or even if the process has been helpful to you.

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